• Designated Marksman Course:

    The TTOA Designated Marksmanship Course that focuses on basic precision rifle marksmanship skills, understanding the responsibilities of a marksman in critical incidents and emergency situations, as well as the importance of overwatch capabilities. Secondarily it will cover the gear and tools that aid marksmen in their duties. Upon the completion of this course students will be able to demonstrate their ability to engage threats out to 300 yards, they will understand the capabilities of their specific shooting platform and just as importantly, know when where why and how they’re able to deploy their skills as a designated marksman.

    The completion of this course is not a certification for critical incident response or law enforcement sniper. It is the most basic level of competency for safely and legally engaging mid-range threats to life, and performing overwatch for other law enforcement personnel during high stress incidents.

  • Basic Sniper Course

    50-hour curriculum is designed for law enforcement personnel that are currently assigned to a SWAT team and are designated to perform the specialty of police sniper. This is a Certification Level course and will require each participant to pass a written examination and qualification course. Our Basic Police Sniper course provides a strong foundation of the fundamentals of precision rifle shooting, positional shooting, basic tripod shooting & fieldcraft. The teaching methodology conducted is crawl, walk, run, and begins with the proper fitting of the precision rifle to the student. Each day’s learning objectives will build upon the previous day emphasizing consistency with every task. In addition to the shooting aspect, operational deployment procedures from the vehicle to conventional SWAT callouts and establishing an effective observation position will be taught. Case studies and legal precedents involving the use of deadly force by police snipers will be discussed.

    TN P.O.S.T. Accreditation is available for this course.